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Denver Film Festival

Top 5 Favorite Moments from the
27th Starz Denver International Film Festival
Photos by Matthew Anderson

1. Asking Kevin Bacon a "deep" question on the red carpet even as I was mesmerized by Kyra Sedgwick's beauty.

Kevin and Kyra Bacon

2. Being told by Soleil Moon Frye, jokingly, to "get it together" after I told her scheduling conflicts prevented me from making it to either screening of her movie.

She is incredibly bright and passionate about movies, as she demonstrated during a Saturday morning "Coffee Talk" session.

I do regret not being able to make it to her documentary, Sonny Boy. The film is about her rediscovering her father as he slips under the haze of Alzheimer's.

Soleil Moon Frye

3. Budget to make Brooklyn Bound: $70,000

Rich Devaney winning the Emerging Filmmaker Award and thanking his parents in one of the best acceptance speeches ever: Priceless

Rich Devaney

4. The soulful conclusion of Ray.

Jamie Foxx

5. Getting more dish about what happened Overnight.

Mark Brian Smith

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