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The Dark Knight's Web

List updated 6 July 2008.

The Dark Knight

Gotham Cable News

A Taste for the Theatrical

Why So Serious? (now on its fourth iteration)

Rory's Death Kiss (a reference to The Dark Knight's working title while filming in Chicago)

I Believe in Harvey Dent

I Believe in Harvey Dent Too (don't be fooled by the error message; somebody's having a laugh at Harvey's expense)

Trust Garcetti

Dana Worthington for Gotham City DA

The Gotham Times

The Ha Ha Ha Times

Gotham Election Board

Gotham Police Department

Gotham City Rail

Gotham Ferry System

Gotham National Bank

We Are The Answer

Betty's House of Pies

Kinsly Travel

Acme Security Systems

Remembering Gina

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