U2: 360

U2 360: The Mattnificent Tour, U2009-U2011

U2 360° Journal > You CANNOT Be Serious!

You CANNOT Be Serious!

Amid the chaos of the U2 ticket sales, there was also the issue of baseball's opening day. I've been to opening day - somewhere - every year since 1993 with the first home opener for the Colorado Rockies at Mile High Stadium.

This year, the Yankees are opening a new Yankee Stadium. Initially, the only way to get an opening day ticket was to buy either a full- or half-season ticket. No can do.

Then I was shut out of the pre-sale lottery for single game tickets.

On a whim, I attempted to buy a single ticket for opening day when they finally went on sale to the general public. In keeping with my notes about the Dutch ticketing system, here's what I saw:

Yankees TicketMaster

I could indeed have gone, had I been willing to shell out $2,625 plus $59.70 in TicketBastard fees. That's face value!

Yankees Opening Day Ticket

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