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Mattskrit Notes
SKYMATT is the next chapter of The Mattopia Jones Chronicles and it is, in some respects, a sequel to How to Dismantle a Mattomic Bomb, the 2004 blockbuster vacation set in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Zaanse Schans, Luxembourg, and Strasbourg. SKYMATT returns to Amsterdam then moves on to Berlin, Paris, Caen (the D-Day beaches of Normandy), Brussels, and The Hague. Incredibly, this was the first solely European vacation that did not include a U2 release or tour. This time, instead of Bono, Mattopia Jones was accompanied by a different traveling companion. A guy named Bond. James Bond.
There'll be more about Bond later. The Ministry of Information is transcribing Matt's travel notes from the original Mattskrit scribblings and they will be online eventually.
Stay tuned, true believers.
Technical note: All photos and videos were taken using a Canon G1X.