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Central Zooropa
"Uncertainty can be a guiding light."
- Bono

Mattopia Jones, Your Tour Guide

Zoo Station: San Sebastian, Spain
All Because of U2
Map of Itinerary:
29 July - 16 August 2005
Map courtesy of the CIA.
- Pints of Guinness Consumed: 19.5* (the sole half pint was in Hendaye, France)
- Pints of Heineken Consumed: 23.08* (converted from centiliters)
- Biggest Surprise: The size of Bordeaux (it's tres, tres big)
- Second Biggest Surprise: The Zutons
- Sexiest Moment: Booking a train reservation in Bordeaux (yeah, baby, it was sexy)
- Best Wienerschnitzel: Stoop & Stoop, Amsterdam
- Best Steak: Cafe des 2 Moulins, Paris
- Worst Meal: Steak Tartare, Monte Carlo (restaurant name withheld); the skin still curdles at the very thought of it, but I ate the whole thing nonetheless
- Best U2 Crowd: Estadio Anoeta, San Sebastian, Spain
- Number of Night Trains Taken: 2
- Number of Train Reservations Unused Because of Last-Mattopian-Minute Changes in Plans: 4
- Most Scenic Train Ride: Traveling between Nice and Monte Carlo; simply awesome
- Among the Treasures Brought Home: Two half bottles of Bordeaux wine, three bottles of Absinthe, a 25 cl Heineken glass, a hardcover book on the history of Heineken, and the obligatory soaps and shampoos from all those hotels (merci beaucoup)
- Number of Photos & Video Clips Taken: A record-breaking 1,114 - that doesn't include many redundant and botched shots deleted along the way
*Note: The unscientific nature of these numbers cannot be stressed enough.
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