See the world • See what develops

Mattskrit Notes
In December 2013 I went to Russia. You know. Just to see what happens when Mattopia Jones goes to Russia. That kind of trip.
It was so awesome, I was eager to do more trips like it - excursions to previously unexplored lands.
Little did I know circumstances would find me in Thailand and Cambodia the following December.
There's a lot more to come from this fantastic trip. Here's just a sample, including photos from the Angkor Wat sessions.
Angkor Wat. Wow. I was truly in my element out there. It's Indiana Jones territory; I spent three days exploring the temples of Angkor and I barely scratched the surface.
I will return. Oh yes. I will return.
In the works: Photos from Phnom Penh and the Killing Fields.
Technical note: All photos were taken with a Sony A6000.
Coming soon.