U2: Elevation Tour
Earl's Court
London, England
22 August 2001
(Editor's Comment: Pardon the sloppy condition of these notes. Documentation was lost during the travels and these notes are being rebuilt from scraps and memory.)
Much better queue process letting people in the foyer in waves instead of all at once. It was too crowded to move last time and it makes you wonder. Concerts happen all the time, you'd think they'd have it figured out by now!
JJ72 opened; lead singer dedicated song to Bono's father
According to those in attendance, Bono was really emotional last night and it was hard to watch - just from the intensity of his situation. It was the first show since his dad died. The Edge, Adam, and Larry carried him, though. (After all, they're one band and they've got to carry each other.)
Tonight: They were ON and Bono seemed all right.
Bono spoke of his father as being a "tough Dubliner." When he offered to help or get him something, his dad would say, "Fuck off."
"It was his way of showing affection," Bono explained. Fortunately, Bono said he was able to make peace with his father before he died.
Great Crowd, Great Set List
During Elevation - the fans in the heart looked like a pack of jumping beans
All I Want Is You
Pride - heart lit up
Kite - all the lighters in the heart!
Out of Control
Quickly paced - little banter this time during the 2+hour set. They blazed through the set, but Bono was in good spirits. They played loud and they played together.
No song at the tip of the heart with the foursome. Bono asked Edge what he wanted to play. Stairway to Heaven, he answered. The played Staring at the Sun instead, with the two of the them at the tip.
Mysterious Ways
Stuck in a Moment
Civil Disobedience again
Walk On
Bullet the Blue Sky - EU
Where the Streets Have No Name - great crowd reaction
Sweetest Thing - faster tempo, louder than usual; more of a rocker's tune this time
Bono told of the days when the band lived off Earls Court Road
There was time for only one pint after the show at Prince of Teck. The pubs close at 11 p.m. - I still don't have the odd London hours down! It's all about governmental licencing - those laws need to be updated.
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