
The Venetian and Tao Beach

The Venetian The Venetian The Venetian The Venetian The Venetian The Venetian
The Sphere and the Venetian in Las Vegas

Chapters:   Achtung Baby Live  •  Concert Videos  •  General Admission  •  Zoo Station at the Venetian  •  The V-U2 Experience  •  Sphere Experience and Postcard from Earth  •  Vegas Legends  •  Venetian and Tao Beach  •  Vegas, Baby!

“You’re the real thing, even better than the real thing.
Give me one last chance and I’m gonna make you sing.”
Even Better than the Real Thing from Achtung Baby, lyrics by Bono

“Don’t be fooled. This fandom is hard work. But I do my best to make it look effortless.”
Mattopia Jones
(comment made to the Times over a pint of Heineken at the Golden Circle sports bar in Treasure Island)

The Venetian

The Venetian is a classic modern megaresort. I mean, the place has a fully functioning canal with gondola rides. But, instead of the artful wonders of Venice (ah, Venice, my favorite Italian city), the canal is lined with stores featuring all the top luxury brands. That part is a little jarring; staying in the relative modesty of Treasure Island is much more comfortable.

Tao Beach

It’s well documented I’ve grown quite fond of Thailand (well, all of Southeast Asia, really) and Eastern philosophy. (I am most definitely a work in progress.) Stumbling on Tao Beach at the Venetian proved to be a real treat. Some Zen in Sin City.

Okay. It’s hardly the place for mindfulness and meditation. It’s a dayclub; never stopped to think about the existence of a daytime equivalent of a nightclub before. But here you have it. It’s a high-class rooftop pool with a DJ and adult beverages. Much too crowded for a leisurely swim. But being surrounded by loads and loads of beautiful people and Daniel Popper’s Tendai? No complaints here.

As the song goes, “There’s sun for everyone.”

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U2: Joshua Tree Tour 2017

Mattopia Jones covers the world's loudest folk band:
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Bono: Author, Actor, Factivist

Surrender book cover

The Stories of Surrender one-man theatrical stage show was conceived as a promotional book tour for Bono’s phenomenal “MEmoir” and the tour expanded into an extended series of shows on Broadway.

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