
U2 at Sphere in Las Vegas

Chapters:   Achtung Baby Live  •  Concert Videos  •  General Admission  •  Zoo Station at the Venetian  •  The V-U2 Experience  •  Sphere Experience and Postcard from Earth  •  Vegas Legends  •  Venetian and Tao Beach  •  Vegas, Baby!

The Mattsonian's Video Collection

Nothing compares to being there live, but these videos provide a small taste — a delicious morsel — of what it's like. The year that's followed U2's run of shows at Sphere has been a difficult one, personally, facing challenges unlike anything experienced before. Roaming through the Mattsonian's vast library of Sphere videos, though, was a tremendous source of joy. This is a band I care about deeply and presenting these videos here is an effort to share that joy with the world.

One at Sphere
One at Sphere
7 October U2023

With or Without You at Sphere
With or Without You at Sphere
5 October U2023

Bono speaks on peace at and religion Sphere
A talk about the challenges of peace and religion at Sphere
18 February U2024

Peace on Earth at Sphere
Peace on Earth at Sphere
18 February U2024

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For at Sphere
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For and Primal Scream's Movin' On Up at Sphere
7 October U2023

Pride In the Name of Love at Sphere
Pride (In the Name of Love) at Sphere
7 October U2023

Atomic City at Sphere
My Way and Atomic City at Sphere
7 October U2023

Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World
Two wildly different performances of Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World at Sphere

7 October U2023 and 16 December U2023

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I Go There With You...

U2: Joshua Tree Tour 2017

Mattopia Jones covers the world's loudest folk band:
5 continents • 19 countries
39 cities • 11 tours • 48 venues
77 shows • 1 Sphere
3 special appearances
6 boys dreaming out loud
0 restraining orders

Bono: Author, Actor, Factivist

Surrender book cover

The Stories of Surrender one-man theatrical stage show was conceived as a promotional book tour for Bono’s phenomenal “MEmoir” and the tour expanded into an extended series of shows on Broadway.

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