7 Habits

7 Habits of Highly Effective Mattopians

Vanity Fair, January 2004
Planetarium by Michael Lutin for Aries:

“Finally! After your months of bowing and scraping, biting your tongue, and pretending to be a lot more forgiving than you feel, the entrance of Mars into your solar 1st house will let you curl your lip, growl a bit louder, and show your teeth at last. Spiritually correct as you like to be, you can smile at would-be assassins for only so long before taking a stand and trying to regain the upper hand. As the new year rolls in, the trick will be to balance self-assertion against the fear of being tossed out in the cold. Let ‘em just try.”

For all my talk about the corporate assassination of Mattimus, this horoscope hits close to home. - M.


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