Microsoft Stuff

I apologize in advance for my typos and attitude. Ineta will have to fend for herself.
Chat No. 1 - 22 March 2007
Session Started with Agent (RTS Ineta R)
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Thank you for patiently waiting. You have reached Dell Hardware Warranty Chat Support. My name is Ineta and I will be assisting you today. In order for me to help you, can you provide details about the issue you're having?"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Sorry, the service tag."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Sorry"
Matt Anderson: "-------"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Thankd"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "sorry thanks"
Matt Anderson: "I have the Dell Windows Vista Express Upgrade and it doesn't work in my brand new, "Vista capable" Inspiron E1405. I have applied a patch for the Philips DVD drive, but it still doesn't work. The Upgrade Assistant DVD DOES work in a different, not-Vista-capable Dell Latitude. I e-mailed the Dell Vista team almost three weeks ago and have received no response."
Matt Anderson: "I'm assuming this is a hardware issue."
Matt Anderson: "By the way, I'm very unhappy with Dell overall."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "I understand your concerns as well as frustrations with this issue and I will do all that I can to resolve your issue."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Matt, have you chatted with Dell about this issue previously?"
Matt Anderson: "Aside from the e-mail to the Vista upgrade team, no."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "To ensure we are working with the correct system, are you chatting about the I640M/E1405 listed on your account?"
Matt Anderson: "Yes."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "For verification purposes, may I have your phone number and email address, Matt?"
Matt Anderson: "Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx E-mail:"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Thank you for verifying that information for me."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Please allow me 3-5 minutes?"
Matt Anderson: "OK."
Matt Anderson: "To give you more details, the DVD basically hangs up my laptop. I can't start it manually; the system simply doesn't recognize the DVD or its contents."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Thanks for waiting"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Matt, I am sorry but the Dell Windows Vista Express Upgrade only works for the system that you purchased the upgrade for."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "For the optical drive, we are going to delete the upper and the lower filters and see will that resolve the issue."
Matt Anderson: "OK. But I hope you do understand that I expect the upgrade to work in the system I purchased the upgrade for, correct? I put the DVD in the totally unrelated, totally not-Vista-capable Latitude out of pure curiosity. It answered one question: The DVD itself is readable."
Matt Anderson: "Should I stay online or will you guys let me know the results of your test later?"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "I understand"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Actually, you will perform the steps to this"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Click the Start button, click Run."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "In the run box type in regedit"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Click the plus sign (+) next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Click the plus sign (+) next to SYSTEM."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Click the plus sign (+) next to CurrentControlSet."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Click the plus sign (+) next to Control."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Click the plus sign (+) next to Class."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Click {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "On the right side of the window, click UpperFilters. (If you do not see upper click lower filters)"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Click Edit on the menu bar."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Click Delete, and then click OK."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "On the right side of the window, click LowerFilters."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Click Edit on the menu bar."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Click Delete, and then click OK."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Click File, and then click Exit."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Restart the computer normally."
Matt Anderson: "OK. I'm going to have to try this later; I don't have the Inspiron with me at the moment. But this is exactly the kind of help of looking for. Thanks!"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "160240756 is the case number Matt."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "For future reference, a copy of this chat will be sent to the email you provided as you entered the chat."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Matt, it has been a great pleasure working with you today. I'm going to send you some important information for your records. I apologize for its lengthiness. Let me know if you have any questions about it."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "If you need further assistance with this case, you may contact us via [Chat]: or [Email]: (include your Case# and Service Tag) [Subject]: Team 317 Email Dell Inc. Case#1--------"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "I am constantly striving to improve my service. If there is anything I can do to help improve your experience, please don't hesitate to let me know by contacting my manager via email at"
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "For service status, please go to 1. Log in. 2. Click on “My Order Status.†3. Click on “My Support†and select “Service Call Status.†4. Enter your Dispatch Reference# (Service Call Number) and Region or Service Tag."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Are there any other issues with this system I can assist you with?"
Matt Anderson: "Not at the moment. Thanks."
Agent (RTS Ineta R): "Thank you for using Dell Hardware Warranty Chat Support. Have a great day!"
Session Ended