The Times

Technology: 28 November 2024

Buzz Lightyear: The "Living Robot" from Robosen is awesome
Go to infinity and beyond with Buzz
Mattopia Jones and the Horrors of Halloween: 27 Nov. 2022

Around Hollywood and the Universal Studios Back Lot
An experiment in terror, all captured on the iPhone 14 Pro Max
Mattopia Jones and the Righteous Chi: 19 February 2023

Bangkok • Phuket • Pattaya • Koh Chang
Mattopia Jones seeks a return to center
Mattopia Jones and the Black Spire Outpost: 12 March 2022

Recently in a galaxy far, far away...
Become a Jedi (or a wizard) as the state of immersive fantasy experiences rapidly advances.

The Platinum Anniversary: 2000-2020
Celebrate the first 20 years of The Mattopia Times with two special retrospectives.
ONE: It all started with one page. Now the site features more than 1.5 million words and 1,700 pages of content only a powerhouse publishing organization like the Times can provide.
MATTISON AVENUE: A virtual gallery walking through some of the early efforts in Flash animation and other groundbreaking publicity initiatives.
The Bookshelf

The Future of Feeling: Building Empathy in a Tech-Obsessed World
by Kaitlin Ugolik Phillips
Published in February, right before the pandemic hit.
Empathy is an aspect of business and health care that's too easy to lose, especially in this "safer at home" world that, now more than ever, is so dependent on technology to fill the void of human interaction.
The Quotable Times
"Walk it off."
— The advice of a doctor at St. Bart's Hospital, London, to Mattopia Jones
"Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary."
— John Keating
"You've got to dream up the kind of world you want to live in — you've got to dream out loud, in high volume!"
— Bono
Sing for Life
Bono wrote Let Your Love Be Known in the early days of shelter in place. Global virtual collaborations with, Jennifer Hudson, Yoshiki and Zucchero have transformed it.
Check out all three versions. And keep dreamin' out loud.